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Hagyari Kubovič Partners - advokátska kancelária
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The law firm HAGYARI, KUBOVIČ & PARTNERS, s.r.o. (HKP) was founded at the beginning of the year 2007 by merger of the law firm of JUDr. Pavel Hagyari and the law firm of Mgr. Peter Kubovič. The activities continuously follow the practice and the best traditions of their predecessors.

HKP currently has at its disposal infrequent combination of extensive professional experience, wide theoretical knowledges, flexible approach of the young dynamic team, as well as sound knowledge of the local know-how acquired through long term service in the area of legal services on the Slovak market.

Being one of the leading Slovak law firms, HKP provides legal services of the highest quality to its broad client base – including international (global) corporations, from Slovak and foreign companies, state (public) institutions through to natural persons.

Thanks to the large number of widely experienced lawyers and to their team work, HKP provides complex services in various legal areas e.g. within the core areas (Civil Law, Commercial Law, Law of Contract, Corporate and Business Law, Labour Law ad Family Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Administration Law and Criminal Procedure Law) as well as specialised legal areas (Media Law, European Union Structural Funds Law, Healthcare Law, Real Estate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property Law, Insurance Law, Securities Law and Claim Collection.

Through its lawyers, as well as external employees (notaries, executors, consultants, expert witnesses, interpreteurs, foreign attorneys), HKP provides professional legal services throughout Slovakia (and possibly abroad) in several foreign languages (English, German, Russian and Czech).

One of the competitive advantages of HKP is the number of our lawyers, who in combination with their professional experience and close mutual cooperation provide our clients with additional benefit of possibility to participate in several parallel demanding cases as well as the possibility (temporary or permanent) to continue in some case from the side of particularly responsible lawyer. Other significant advantage of HKP is reasonable price we charge for our high quality services as well as significant flexibility for concluding the remuneration agreements.

The main aim of HKP is the utmost satisfaction of its clients, which is achieved mainly by consistent exercise of their rights, taking the clients´interests into consideration in each taken step throughout the whole process. That is the reason why we are YOUR LAWYERS, in other words, we are ready to become them.